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"Entec Waste Management Inc. is a leading provider of bio-solid waste management solutions since 1981.


We offer effective, trusted, proven solutions to a variety of dewatering challenges.


Backed by a reliable, loyal team of employees and bolstered by a dependable fleet of the ‘latest in equipment’, we specialize in what we do.


But there’s more to us than that.


We take pride in the work we undertake; our track record is impeccable and our reputation is outstanding. Our goal is to provide ultimate customer service second-to-none, in order to exceed customer expectations.


I give you my word on that."


Murray McLaughlin

Entec Waste Management provides many biosolids waste management solutions to satisfy our wide base of clientele. Entec is proud to provide waste management solutions to all entities including municipalities and corporations. 

Our extensive experience in the industry has allowed us to share our knowledge with clients in order to best guide them towards the most ideal solution to their biosolids waste management concerns.

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